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The impact of regional councils can be seen, felt, and measured all throughout North Dakota.  Whether it is building local economies, building communities, improving infrastructure, or developing workforce, regional councils often play a role in enhancing grassroots efforts for community and statewide progress!  


Building the Economy


Horsch Anderson is a farm equipment manufacturer in Mapleton that built a 94,000-square foot production facility in 2012, which required infrastructure extensions.  The $15.2 million project has spurred more projects, which increased tax base and job opportunities.


Frost Fire is a key tourism and recreation amenity nestled in the Pembina Gorge near Walhalla.  To maintain a publicly available attraction, a private public partnership was crafted to purchase, enhance, and operate this 40+ year old business to serve the 1.2 million people within 2 hours driving distance.


Building the Community​


New and Rehabilitated Housing.  Since 2014, nine multi-family projects were completed across the state, including Rugby, Carrington, Watford City, Bismarck, Dickinson, and Selfridge with a total investment of $14.5 million creating or rehabilitating 203 units.  The projects service individuals ranging from senior citizens to homeless transitioning to permanent housing.​


Mary's Place is a new safe shelter solving the problem of lack of emergency housing in Stutsman County.


Tiny Tykes Inc. is a preschool and daycare expanded to a new 10,000 square foot facility to serve more children in Wahpeton.


Minot's Downtown Smart Growth Development Project is a $33 million project replacing water, sewer, and lighting infrastructure, as well as all curb, gutter, sidewalks, streets, and traffic signals. 


Improving Infrastructure​


Four handicap accessibility projects completed in Devils Lake, Towner County, and the City of Brocket.


Minnewaukan Fire District purchased a new pumper truck, grass unit, and other equipment.


Big Coulee Dam Repair at Bisbee. The project prevents spillway failure which would damage Highway 66, downstream rail line, adjacent properties, and cause the loss of the recreation area.


Developing Workforce​

Youth Entrepreneurship Initiative was started in partnership with 12 school districts, career and technology education center, and job development authorities to stop a 70-year trend of population decline.  Annually, more than 1,200 3rd-8th grade students participate in youth entrepreneurship events, training, camps, and manufacturing company tours.


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